What are the changes to the UK’s border model about?
The UK Government plans to introduce full import controls for Ireland to GB goods movements from 31 st October 2023. This brings Ireland in line with the remainder of the EU and the rest of the world.
Most** traders will no longer be able to delay making UK import declarations for up to 175 days and will have to pay the relevant tariffs at the point of import.
**(unless authority has been obtained to use a simplified procedure)
All UK ports will be required to apply full customs controls to goods moving from Ireland to GB. In practice this means goods must have a valid declaration and must be customs cleared in order to move to their final destination.
Traders and hauliers will need a valid Goods movement record from the GVMS process in order to navigate the UK ports.
Changes to SPS Controls:
The new model will have an implication for Sanitary and Phytosanitary Controls. There are 3 parts to
A – Risk Based Approach – Product of animal origin/live animals etc will be categorised as either
high, medium or low risk.
B – Health certificates will be digitised
C – Trusted Trader schemes will be used where traders can preregister and provide enhanced
assurances to HMRC that they are compliant.
Some SPS dates to be aware of
- From 31 st October 2023 health certificates will be required on imports of medium risk animal products such as Meat and Fish from the EU. Currently EU goods enter the UK without health certs or SPS checks (except for high-risk live animals or high-risk plants etc).
- From 31 st January 2024 there will be documentary and physical checks on certain medium risk SPS products entering the UK from the EU.
- From 31 st January 2024 the rest of the world imports will benefit from the same arrangement as above in terms of a risk-based approach.
- From 31 st October 2024 safety and security declarations will be required for EU imports. However, the UK’s DEFRA intend to introduce a reduced and simplified data set alongside
this in order to reduce duplication of data.
Summary & Conclusion:
All exporters of SPS product from Ireland to GB will need to be fully aware of the coming changes. Export Health Certificates and Phytosanitary Certificates will be required from October 2023. These will be issued by the relevant authority in Ireland (e.g., DAFM or HSE) but it will be the exporters responsibility to request these in a timely manner.
If the Irish exporter is also looking after the UK importers requirements, then they will also need to be fully up to speed on all the UK changes and prenotification requirements noted above.
As always, if unsure on these please contact Easy Customs for more info. Smart Customs UK will keep you informed of any changes to the target model as the deadline approaches.